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The Complete List of Audio Visual Services

Jeramy Woodhill

The Complete List of Audio Visual Services

The audio visual industry has a lot to offer. Audio visual services can cover everything from the design and engineering of an entire space to the installation and maintenance of the equipment in that space.

This complete list of audio visual (AV) services covers everything an AV integrator might provide for a client (not all integrators offer the same array of services), as well as the services that Aspen Custom Electronics provides for our clients.

9 Audio Visual Services AV Integrators Provide

AV integrators oversee the installation and management of your AV solutions. Their goal is to make sure your technologies operate at maximum efficiency and your systems stay healthy. They also provide design and engineering services that guide the installation process for better long-term results. The following is a list of services that fall under the umbrella of AV, but not all integrators offer the same services.

1. System Design & Engineering

Integrators design and engineer AV systems for entire companies, buildings, or even just rooms. This service starts by meeting with a client to understand their requirements and define a budget so that the AV integrator can design a space or system from scratch that meets those needs.

This includes not only the selection of equipment like displays, cameras, speakers and lighting, but also designs for cabling and infrastructure, and computer aided drafting (CAD) services, which result in a digital blueprint of your planned space.

2. Lighting Design & Installation

As a complement to the design of your AV systems, some AV integrators might also make lighting recommendations, but this is typically handled by a third party.

3. Product & System Evaluation

AV integrators can evaluate a current system that’s already in place, and make recommendations for changes based on new or shifting needs.

This service typically includes an onsite evaluation, a new design for the space, selection of equipment, and installation of that equipment.

4. Equipment Maintenance

Once an installation is complete and a system is up and running, you may be able to work with your AV integrator to maintain that equipment on an ongoing basis.

5. Rental Services

If you need to rent AV equipment temporarily—like monitors, televisions, video walls, sound systems, or computers and tablets—you can work with an AV integrator to help you do so.

6. Equipment Selection & Installation

AV integrators will make recommendations for equipment that suits your requirements, as well as your budget. These recommendations typically fall into three categories: audio distribution, video distribution, and control systems.

Audio Distribution

  • Music distribution, for speakers that might play music throughout a building

  • Voice reinforcement, for someone that might need a microphone to talk to a large crowd

  • Paging system selection, for buildings that require paging an office or apartment to let someone inside

  • Sound masking, for spaces that need white noise to drown out loud sounds, like an office with an open workspace

Video Distribution

  • Video conferencing set-up, for businesses or organizations that need to connect virtually

  • Digital signage selection, for anything from events to displays within an office

  • Presentation set-up, for spaces that need to allow people to present from different types of devices

  • Video wall installation, for spaces that need to display messaging on large video panels

  • Broadcast, for media companies who need AV solutions to deliver programming to their viewers

  • Projection set-up, for those who prefer projectors over television displays or video panels to display messaging

Control Systems

  • Control system set-up, for those who need one solution to control everything in their space, like presentation, video, lighting and shade, audio, security systems, cable boxes, blu ray players, and more

7. Event Production

When you’re looking to host an event, an AV integrator may be able to help you find equipment that suits your needs for spaces like large conference rooms and hotels.

8. Webcasting

You’ll need special equipment to livestream online, or broadcast to audiences over a cable network. An AV integrator can help you find and install equipment that works for you.

9. Security

Finally, AV integrators can also help with recommendations for security equipment like cameras and alarm systems, as well as solutions to monitor specific sites or buildings remotely.

The most important thing an AV integrator can provide is incredible customer service

Here at Aspen Custom Electronics, we pride ourselves on being dedicated to our client’s needs. We’re not just a service provider, we’re an extension of your team that’s there to solve your problems in the best and most efficient way for you.

Our certified industry professionals tackle the following types of projects:

  • System Design and engineering

  • Product and system evaluation

  • Equipment maintenance

  • Equipment selection and installation, including audio distribution, video distribution and control systems

If you’re interested in talking to someone who gets it when it comes to all types of AV needs, drop us a note here and get connected with an expert today.


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